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Start Healing

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how I can help you get your health in order.

Are you interested in a road map to fully heal your gut? Introducing....

Gut Healing 101!

Hey there! I'm Lauren

A few months after delivering my daughter I became very sick with a disease called dermatomyositis. My skin was covered in rashes and my muscles were so weak I could barely walk. I healed myself naturally by healing my gut while in Functional Nutrition school. That is exactly why I created this you can heal too!

My Gut Healing 101 course includes the exact steps you need to take to heal your gut. You will receive a video overview, a blue print guide for the steps you need to take, meal ideas and recipes, as well as a maintenance guide to maintain your gut health. Plus you will get a free one on one call with me to answer any questions you may have. All this for only $99 Click HERE to purchase

1 on 1 Functional Nutrition Therapy


We dive right in to uncover the root cause of what is causing your symptoms


I create a customized blue print for the steps you will need to take to heal your body and help you implement it


We talk bi-weekly to keep you on track. I am available Mon-Fri for support

Within a few weeks of doing the Gut Healing course my digestive issues cleared up and my energy came back. Also, my periods were a lot better.

Amanda Smith

Not quite ready to dive in? Click here for my free gut healing tips

© Lauren Rottino